The Days Of Pregnancy During Autumn Season - Lisa Olson Review  

Be sure to include greens and filling cook in olive oil in the days of pregnancy during autumn season. Meat and fish combine with vegetables only. Prepare yourself, natural yoghurt. Pamper yourself nuts from the new crop. Such a diet will allow your body and the body of the child to get natural nutrients, particularly useful fall apples (vitamin C, E, B1, and B2, P) and Kalina (vitamin C, bactericidal properties.) Kalina also helps cope with autumn depression and improves the condition of patients with cholelithiasis.

Uncontrolled use of vitamins as drugs simply unacceptable, not only the deficit, but an overabundance of vitamins can cause problems usually prescribed for pregnant women vitamin complex or separately calcium, folic acid and iron.

Pregnancy autumn: the problem of appetite - autumn emotional instability can cause a lack of appetite in pregnant or, on the contrary, increase it. If you have no toxicity, and you do not want to eat, it’s time to sound the alarm! And it is worth considering if you score more than the norm. Begin to absorb everything or stop eating - not an option. Eat fractional rationally, without harmful products. Make your menu along with a doctor or a nutritionist.

Pregnancy autumn: pressure problems - Hypo-tension is one of the most common conditions that causes autumn pregnancy may have dizziness, shortness of breath when walking, tinnitus and low pressure - not the best for accompanying childbearing. Be sure to consult a doctor if these symptoms and with regular pressure decreases.For More Knowledge of Health Read this article on Reverse Your Diabetes (


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